Value-based sales

Value-based sales


The sales role has changed drastically in recent years and the time to build long-term relationships through “coffee meetings” is over in most industries. Our customers’ stakeholders are staying in their position for shorter periods of time and they are under more time pressure than ever, which puts new and higher demands on us as sales representatives. We need to be masters of quickly creating trust, personal chemistry and adding customer value. Adding customer value could previously entail presenting our product or service, but today more is required as our customers are often informed about both our and our competitors’ products. The time of the product and service presenter is over and the time of the value-based sales rep is now. When customers are ready to pay for our customer meetings, we know we are on the right track, we add value!

About the education

With us you get the tools, the methods and the training to be able to stand out from the crowd even more successfully and efficiently add real customer value. Value-based sales is a program where we clarify the sales process and how you can add value in each step, ie. in everything from the planning phase, meeting sign up, customer meeting and in the follow-up and customer care. The goal of the program is to make it super clear what you do well and what you specifically need to do differently to become even more successful in adding customer value, which in turn leads to better customer relationships and increased business, ie. more sales.

“Magically! Really well planned with exercises that made it possible to practice.” –YOSEF J, APPER SYSTEMS

From the contents

  • Value-based sales – what does that mean in practice
  • The sales process – to add value throughout the sales process
  • From product – to value-based sales
  • Proactive planning – segmentation, exploration and meeting preparation
  • Meeting booking – Raising interest linked to customer value to get through the noise
  • Professional meeting preparation – goals, purpose and agenda
  • Effective question methodology – structure and question battery to clarify the customer’s needs
  • Argumentation – the connection between product and customer benefit
  • Closing techniques – lower the price or increase the perceived value
  • Negotiation – your own and the customer’s negotiation currencies
  • Time management – plan and set aside time for value-based sales
  • Tasks and action plan

Three important parts from the content

1. Selling is not telling

Many sales representatives and sales organizations go around like wandering product catalogs and present something that the customer already knows or that they could just as easily have emailed. Value-based sales is about adding value through the ability to transform product information into specific customer value, to go from product presenter to problem solver and put the solution in relation to the benefit it creates.

2. No need no sales

It is difficult to create and add value if we do not understand what the customer values. Value-based sales is about going from faith to knowledge, ie. Find out what the customer wants to achieve and how you can make their journey easier, safer and more efficient. It is about understanding what value your specific product adds in the form of e.g. money, time, contentment and loyalty.

3. Value-based sales

Transactional sales is a simpler type of sales where the customer and supplier exchange money for the product / service without further support and help in the purchasing process. This type of sale is increasingly taking place digitally or via central purchasing. This means that we as sales representatives need to make a journey from the traditional product presenter to become more consultative business partners. A partner who supports, helps and challenges in more complex issues that add real customer value, we call it value-based sales.


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