Kjell Dahlin has a BA. in rhetorics, he is also an author and lecturer. He has chosen to teach the subject rhetoric on a practical level where it really makes a difference. In the lecture BEST OR BEAST BEHAVIOR, Kjell proves that our attitude is the most powerful communicative tool we possess. The attitude says more than what we speak. A slight difference in attitude can result in large effects. A comment about a ”nice shirt ” can lead to a revenue of USD 15000. The ability to really see a customer can lead to a lifelong loyalty to a company. Most people know that attitude is important, but how important is it? How do we take it further in practice? What can I do differently today that creates new results? What holds us back? When employees in studies respond to their own attitude, the answers are often 100%. When asked about their colleagues’
attitude, they end up at max 70%. It starts with the self-realization that I probably still have the potential to develop, with all the positive effects that come from it. Listen therefore with an open heart and dare to challenge yourself to take a step or two towards an attitude that ultimately makes both yours and your fellow man’s life more successful and even more fun.